As stewards of 315 acres, Grailville relies on a community of volunteers to help us maintain a beautiful, accessible, and mindful space. Grailville volunteers come from all walks of life: families who want to spend together-time; students and youth groups needing service projects hours; university students seeking to build professional experience through an internship; and businesses that support employee volunteering. All are welcome!
- Outdoors
- Indoors
- From Home
- One-Time Event
- Regular Schedule
- Short-Term Project
- Unpaid Internships for Academic Credit
- Individuals
- Small Group
For more information on the Grailville Volunteer Program or to discuss non-paid (for academic credit) internships, please contact Terrie Puckett at [email protected].
The Grail recognizes the earth as a sacred living organism and utilizes education and activism to encourage environmental sustainability. When you donate to Grailville, you support a broad community of people and programs including:
- Maintenance of our 3 hiking trails and labyrinth for your enjoyment
- Sustainable organic agriculture and permaculture
- Environmental education
- Constructed Wetlands
Donate, volunteer and participate today
We are using the PayPal secure Credit Card and Direct Deposit processing system for our online donations. If you would like to make a donation by check please download our General Donation Form.